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Monday, December 28, 2009

Eye of the Demon

This amulet resembles nothing so much as an eyeball from a freshly slain corpse. It's dull black pupil seems to stare at anyone nearby, while the setting of reddish metal resembles nothing so much as dried blood encrusting the ugly orb. The entire amulet is an inch or so in diameter, and hangs from a silver chain that remains tarnished no matter how much it is polished. The Eye radiates Superb divination magic, and a Great test of divination magic will reveal its magic and the command word required to activate it.

When the Eye's command word is spoken, a ghostly eye forms in the air in front of the bearer and their point of view is transferred to this ghostly object. The bearer can command the Eye to fly at Superb speed, carrying along their point of view as it travels. The vision provided by this artifact allows the viewer to see in the dark and view invisible or out of phase objects normally. The bearer can carry out no other actions while using the Eye, and a successful attack upon the user disrupts the magical link.

The Eye can be invoked up to three times per day, each invocation lasting 10 minutes. The Eye moves with Great stealth, and its insubstantial form has Great protection from mundane forms of attack, though any magical attack will disrupt it.


Timeshadows said...

--I imagine that the original owner of the eye, however, can also see what is being viewed, and may take an unhealthy interest in those using the item. ;)

Gothridge Manor said...

I'm curious as to what would happen if the eye was damage or destroyed while being used. Would there be any disastrous consequences? Please say there are.

Mark Thomas said...

Originally I had a bit of text about the eye being a conduit to the demon from which it was torn, but I was unhappy with how it was written so I left it out. I could easily see this being a truly horrible artifact, with the effect outlined above being only the first of several powers that might be unlocked...

Timeshadows said...

> rubbing my hands in evil glee <
Oh? Pray, tell... :D

Mark Thomas said...

I'll see if I can pull my notes into a more coherent form sometime this week. :)