Anyhow, I often find myself comparing movies to games, and thinking about which movies would make good games. Here are the movies I would play in a heartbeat. The movies themselves may not be great works of art, but most games aren't either.
Pulp Action: The Mummy
One of the greatest features of this movie is every single character is fully engaged. The main characters have differing motivations and stakes in the story, and each pursues their own goals with gusto. The NPCs, from the spineless Beni, to the foul prison warden, to the secretive museum curator, are well developed and interesting, without overshadowing the leads. When the GM and players engage with this level of intensity, it raises the entire game to a higher level.
Sadly the subsequent movies in the series were much less entertaining. The second retains some of the fun of the first, but after that... well, it's just not the same.
Horror: Alien
Don't let anyone fool you. Alien is a horror flick. Sure it takes place in a Science Fiction setting, but the heart of the movie is all about the horror. The movie is a suspenseful ride punctuated by a few scenes of pure terror. I think the only reason Alien would be tough to game is the body count. With only a single survivor, I think many players would be frustrated as the death toll rises. but as a one-shot survival game it could be quite entertaining.
One of the things I like most about Alien is the underlying grittiness of the movie. There are no slick, high-tech solutions, only improvised solutions and quick thinking. The PCs are forced to deal with the fact that they're facing an unknown force that they may not be able to defeat. Once the ferocity of the Alien is exposed they, quickly change their strategy from opposition to escape. They also split the party, with expected results.
Western Tombstone
I view Tombstone as a great example of party creation. The main characters (including the late arrival Doc Holiday), all have strong ties to the rest of the group that assure cooperation. The characters are also well-developed and competent. One could also argue the Tombstone GM engaged in bait-and-switch tactics, since the initial story is about retiring and settling down. In my view this is a good example of bait-and-switch, and it's clear the GM talked to his group beforehand, since the swap became a central focus of the story.
So there you have it, three great games... er movies. If you haven't engaged in the 'what would this be like as a game' exercise, I encourage you to give it a try. After all, movies have been telling us stories far longer than we've been sharing them via RPGs. We could learn a thing or two from the film craft.
Mummy is wonderful pulp inspiration and, as you say, a great group of (player) characters. The team of adventurous action archeologists has a place in the pulp universe.
The Alien-style game would almost have to be a one-shot type adventure, especially with the character loss such a scenario leads to. But the horror in an enclosed area (spaceship, submarine, arctic base) scenario is always excellent.
I always wanted a game that was over the top action like in a Michael Bay movie. I like it when things blow up, even if they shouldn't normally.
seaofstarsrpg - I agree on Alien, definitely a survival type game. Might be an interesting twist on the typical zombie game actually.
Josh - I tend to have a fair amount of blowing up in my games. My players are all fans of: don't just kill it, kill it with FIRE!
I am on board with Alien and Tombstone, those would be a blast. Another one I would throw into the mix would be an unusal choice, but I think a fun party game would be Animal House. Start as a college freshman trying to get in a frat house, score a girl all the while battle rival freshman and other frat houses.
Tim -- now that you mention it, Animal House *would* be a pretty amazing movie to game. Great idea!
Aonther western movie, great for gaming would be Silverado, great charactors, working together, and switching up of loyalties.
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