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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Jester's Rod

With a nod to today's date and the good old wand of wonder...

The Jester's Rod is a wooden walking stick, about two inches in diameter. The rod has a rounded iron head carved with the face of a cheerful, grinning imp. The shaft of the rod is brightly painted with alternating bands of red, blue and yellow. The lower end of the rod is finished with a plain iron ferrule.

Determining the rod's magical properties will reveal Great alteration magic at work. A Great success at divination magic will reveal one of the rod's command words, though an Epic success is required to determine what the words actually do. Any items created by the rod last for one hour unless used up. Created items can also be dispelled (Great test of dispel magic). Alterations effected by the rod are permanent.

Word of change: this word can be used once per day.

  • 1-2 Any liquid within 10' of the user is altered, becoming:

    • 1-4 Water (1-3 fresh, 4-6 salt)
    • 5-6 Wine
    • 7 Blood
    • 8 Vinegar
    • 9 Acid
    • 10 Poison

  • 3-4 Living creature grows 50%, gaining proportional strength. Target is:

    • 1-3 Nearest ally
    • 4-5 Nearest foe
    • 6 The user

  • 5-6 Living creature shrinks 50% losing proportional strength. Target is:

    • 1-2 Nearest ally
    • 3-5 Nearest foe
    • 6 The user

  • 7 Four to six nearby vermin or insects grow to giant size and attacks!
  • 8 Up to 50 coins carried by the user become more (1-4) or less (5-6) valuable (gold becomes silver or vice versa for example).

Word of creation: this word can be used twice per day:

  • 1-2 Animate vines spring forth in a 5' wide, 10' high circular hedge
    with a 20' in radius. Anyone entering the area of effect is snared and
    entangled until they succeed at a Great test of strength.
  • 3-4 Three animated swords appear 10' from the user. Each attacks a
    nearby target, moving on to the nearest living creature (10' per round)
    if their initial target is slain. Initial target is (roll for each):

    • 1-2 Nearest ally
    • 3-5 Nearest foe
    • 6 The user

  • 5-6 A magical fount appears at a random location within 30' of the
    user. Any living creature drinking from the fount is healed a Great
  • 7 A complete duplicate of a random nearby creature appears and
    immediately begins assisting its original to the best of its
    ability. Target is:

    • 1-3 Nearest ally
    • 4-5 Nearest foe
    • 6 The user

  • 8 A complete duplicate of a random nearby creature appears and
    immediately begins attacking its original to the best of its
    ability. Target is:

    • 1-2 Nearest ally
    • 3-5 Nearest foe
    • 6 The user

Word of projection: this word can be used once per day.

  • 1-2 Magical projectiles shoot forth, striking for Fair
    damage. Targets are:

    • 1-3 Four nearest foes
    • 4-5 Four nearest allies
    • 6 The user (four separate attacks).

  • 3-4 A cloud of biting, stinging insects swarms forth, creating a 10'
    radius cloud in a random area 20' from the user. Anyone in the cloud
    suffers Average damage from bites and stings. The cloud moves 10' per
    round towards the nearest living creature.
  • 5-6 Illusionary copies of the nearest three allies spring forth,
    confusing friend and foe alike. The copies vanish if struck but otherwise
    duplicate the actions of their original.
  • 7 A cloud of dense fog billows forth in a 30' diameter sphere
    centered on the user. The fog effectively blinds anyone in the area of
    effect and if constrained by walls, expands to fill any available space.
  • 8 A stream of oily, slick liquid shoots forth, coating the ground in a
    30' long by 10' wide path in front of the user. Anyone in the area of
    effect drops what they are holding and falls. Any action in the area of
    effect requires a Great test of agility.

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