Hound Touch is magical in nature, radiation Good charm and enchantment magic. A Good test of divination magic will reveal the item's powers. The whistle can be played up to six times per day, the effect achieved by playing it is determined by which setting the device's plunger is set to.
- Enrage - The wearer causes up to six canines within 90 feet to become enraged, attacking the nearest target by whatever means available. Affected beasts will act as a pack, choosing single target to attack, selecting a new target if the first falls. The wearer will never be targeted by the enraged canines. This effect lasts ten rounds and can be resisted with a Great test of Will.
- Flee - When this note is played, any canine within 60 feet will flee from the player at maximum possible speed. When the effect expires there is a 50% chance the beasts will immediately return to whatever they were doing before they were forced to flee, a 25% chance they will continue to move away from the player, and a 25% chance they will return with hostile intent. This effect lasts ten rounds and can be resisted with a Great test of Will.
- Track - When this note is played, a single canine within 30 feet can be commanded to track a single target. The user must have some item bearing the scent of the creature to be tracked. The hound will follow the scent using its normal senses so long as Hound Touch's user continues to play at least once per ten rounds.
Nice. :D
How does one go about reaching you via e-mail?
My profile link (the Blogger profile, not the Roleplay Media link), should have my email address published. If it doesn't please let me know here so I can fix that!
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